What do we do?
The activities of Serbian Puzzle Association are going to be popularization of all types of puzzles, as well as organizing puzzle tournaments.
Eleventh Serbian Championship in Optimizers
Zoran Tanasić wins the championship
The Eleventh Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is over. New champion is Zoran Tanasić from Serbia. Second is Milovan Kovačević from Serbia, and the third is Krešimir Stracenski from Croatia.
There were 15 competitors from nine countries. The author of the puzzles was Jovan Novaković.
You may look at complete standings. All solutions are here.
Congratulations Zoran, Milovan and Krešimir.
Tenth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
Milovan Kovačević new champion
The Tenth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is over. New champion is Milovan Kovačević from Serbia. He had one point more then Marko Obradović. Third came Zoran Tanasić.
There were 15 competitors from eight countries. The author of the puzzles was Nikola Živanović. You may look at complete standings, points per puzzle and some of the best solutions. All solutions are here.
Tenth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The Tenth Championship Puzzles
The Tenth Serbian Championship in Solving Optimizing Puzzles has started.
You can download the puzzles.
Please send your solutions till Monday December 18th, 10 PM CET to answers@puzzleserbia.rs.
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Tenth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The Tenth Serbian Optimizing Puzzle Championship will be held from 08.12.2017 till 17.12.2017. The author of the puzzles is Nikola Živanović. There will be three optimizing puzzles. The rules of the contest with the puzzles will be posted on this website on 08.12.2017 00:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET=GMT+01.00).
Ninth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
Tokunaga's Hattrick
The Ninth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is over. For third time in a row, the champion is Tomoaki Tokunaga from Japan, who rather convincingly took the title getting the best score on all the puzzles. Second came Victor Boiko from the Ukraine, and the third is the new champion of Serbia, Čedomir Milanović.
There were 16 competitors from eight countries. Among Serbian contestants, the second was Zoran Tanasić, and the third Nikola Živanović.
You may look at complete standings, points per puzzle and some of the best solutions.
Champions of Serbian Openin Optimizers so far:
Serbian Open Champions Champions of Serbia
2008 Vladislav Klyachin, Russia Marko Obradović
2009 Zoran Tanasić, Serbia Zoran Tanasić
2010 Vladislav Klyachin, Russia Milovan Kovačević
2011 Zoran Tanasić, Serbia Zoran Tanasić
2012 Milovan Kovačević, Serbia Milovan Kovačević
2013 Milovan Kovačević, Serbia Milovan Kovačević
2014 Tomoaki Tokunaga, Japan Čedomir Milanović
2015 Tomoaki Tokunaga, Japan Zoran Tanasić
2016 Tomoaki Tokunaga, Japan Čedomir Milanović
Ninth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The Ninth Championship Puzzles
The Ninth Serbian Championship in Solving Optimizing Puzzles has started.
You can download the puzzles.
Please send your solutions till Sunday December 18th, 8 PM CET to answers@puzzleserbia.rs and to puzzleserbia@gmail.com.
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Ninth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The ninth Serbian championship in solving optimizing puzzles will be held from 02.12.2016. 8 P.M. to 18.12.2016. 8 P.M. Central European Time (CET=GMT+01.00).
There will be 4 optimizer problems. Competitors choose three puzzles wich will be scored, except authors of puzzles.
Authors are: Marko Obradović, Milovan Kovačević, Čedomir Milanović and Zoran Tanasić.
The rules of the contest with the puzzles will be posted on this website on 02.12.2016. in 8 P.M. Central European Time.
Eighth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
Tomoaki Tokunaga has defended title
The Eighth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is finished. Tomoaki Tokunaga from Japan has successfully defended last year's title, being one point in front of new champion of Serbia, Zoran Tanasic. Rauno Parnits from Estonia came third.
There were 17 competitors from nine countries. Among Serbian contestants, the second was Nikola Zivanovic, and the third Milovan Kovacevic.
You may look at complete standings, points per puzzle and some of the best solutions. The author of the puzzles for this championship was Marko Obradović.
Eighth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The Eighth Championship Puzzles
The Eighth Serbian Championship in Solving Optimizing Puzzles has started. You can download the puzzles. Please send your solutions till Monday December 28th, 11 PM CET to answers@puzzleserbia.rs and to puzzleserbia@gmail.com.
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
Eighth Serbian Championship in Optimizers
The eighth Serbian championship in solving optimizing puzzles will be held from 18th to 27th December. The rules of the contest will be published together with the puzzles on December 18th in the evening.
The Seventh Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Tomoaki Tokunaga - the new champion
Tomoaki Tokunaga from Japan was impressive and triumphed with maximum of 75 points. The second is Victor Boiko from Ucraine (61 points) while the third and also the best placed competitor from Serbia is Čedomir Milanović with 49 points.
A total of 14 contestants from 9 countries took part in the championship. Complete results and the results by the puzzles can be seen here and three best solutions of each puzzle can be seen here. The author of the puzzles for this championship was Zoran Tanasić. Thanks to all participants and we hope you enjoyed it!
The Seventh Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Correction and example
You can find new version of programs with correct program for first puzzle and example for third puzzle.
The Seventh Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
The Seventh Championship Puzzles
The seventh Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizing puzzles has
started. You can find puzzles in word and pdf format. For solving puzzles you can find programs that can be used. The author of the puzzles is Zoran Tanasić. Solutions should be sent on answers@puzzleserbia.rs. The deadline for sending the solution is 8.12. (Monday) 18:00. (GMT+1). Discussion is open on link.
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Seventh Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
The seventh Serbian championship in optimizers will take place from November 28th till December 8th 2014. It consists of one round and three puzzles which are scored separately. All necessary details will be announced in the together with the puzzles on Friday, November 28th, 6 PM.
The Sixth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Victory of the Defending Chapmion
The winner of Sixth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is Milovan Kovačević with 28 points. The second place was taken by Marko Obradović and Tomoaki Tokunaga (JPN) (27 points) and fourth place was taken by Zoran Tanasić (26).
There were overall 24 participants from nine countries. Unfortunately, there were lots of incorrect solutions, particularly of the third puzzle. There were various mistakes: letter triplets, repeated words, even misspelled words, so those competitors scored 0 on the puzzle. You can look at the complete standings, scores per puzzle and some of the best solutions. The author of the puzzles was Nikola Živanović. We thank all the participants and we hope you enjoyed the contest.
The Sixth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
The Sixth Championship Puzzles
The Sixth Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizing puzzles has started.
Puzzles in word and pdf formats have been posted. Solutions should be sent on answers@puzzleserbia.rs. The deadline for sending the solution is 8.12. (Sunday) 22:00. (GMT+1).
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Sixth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
The sixth Serbian championship in optimizers will take place from November 29th till December 8th 2013. Unlike the preceding ones, it consists of only one round and three puzzles which are scored separately. All necessary details will be announced in the together with the puzzles on Friday, November 29th, 9 AM.
The Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Milovan Kovačević wins the championship
The winner of Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers is Milovan Kovačević with 137 points (out of maximal 150). In the second round Milovan managed to overtake the second placed Branko Ćeranić and the first round leader Zoran Tanasić who eventually finished second with 133 points. The third and fourth place was taken by James McGowan of New Zealand and Branko Ćeranić, both with 132 points (James had four 25s, while Branko had three). Branko took the third place among Serbian competitors.
There were overall 26 participants from eight countries. You can look at the complete standings, scores per puzzle and some of the best solutions. The author of the puzzles was Nikola Živanović. We thank all the participants and we hope you enjoyed the contest.
The Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round results
In the first round of the Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers there were 25 competitors from 8 countries. After the first round the leader is Zoran Tanasić with 71 points, over Branko Ćeranić (68) and Milovan Kovačević (66).
You can look at the complete results with scores per puzzle and some of the best solutions.
The Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Second round puzzles
In front of you are second round puzzles. Solutions should be sent on answers@puzzleserbia.rs. The deadline for sending the solution is 9.12. 22:00. (GMT+1). The results of the first round will be posted on Friday, December 7th, the latest.
The Fifth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round puzzles
The fifth Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizing puzzles has started.
The first round puzzles have been posted. Solutions should be sent on answers@puzzleserbia.rs. The deadline for sending the solution is 2.12. (Sunday) 22:00. (GMT+1).
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The fifth Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizer puzzles 26.11.2012. - 9.12.2012.
The fifth Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizer puzzles, organized by Serbian Puzzle Association, will start on Monday, November 26th. The contest will last two weeks. It consists of two rounds, seven days each.
This year there will be 6 optimizer problems in total, 3 per round. Each puzzle has separate scoring system. The contestant (or contestants) with the best solution receives 25 points, second best solution is worth 21 points, the third 18, the fourth 16, the fifth 14, the sixth 12, the seventh 11, and so on. Seventeenth-ranked competitor gets 1 point.
In each round, competitor's score will be the sum of all his results, at most 75 points per round.
There are neither negative points for wrong answers, nor bonus points for fastest solvers. It is advised to write answers very carefully because errors will not be tolerated.
The winner becomes one who scores the most points. In case of the same point total, the tiebreakers will be the following: more "25s", then "21s", "18s", etc. If the tiebreaker records are still the same, then they will officially share the first place.
There is no entrance fee or special application form. Anybody interested can participate. The best Serbian competitor will get the trophy and become national champion for the year 2012.
The author of the puzzles is Nikola Živanović. The file with the puzzles for the first round will be posted on this website on Monday, November 26th, 10 A.M. Central European Time (CET=GMT+01.00). The deadline for submiting the answers is Sunday, December 2nd, 10 P.M. The results of the first round will be posted on Friday, December 7th, the latest.
The second round begins on Monday, December 3rd. The deadline for the answers is Sunday, December 9th. The final results will be posted on December 14th, the latest.
Good luck!
The Fourth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Second round puzzles
The second round puzzles
and programs
that can be used have been posted. The document has one correction, if you
had downloaded it on 11.12. before 15:00, please download it again! Solutions should be sent through a
special form available at the following address.
The deadline for sending the solution is 17.12. (Saturday) 24:00.
Good luck!
The Fourth Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round puzzles
fourth Serbian Open Championship in solving optimizing puzzles has
started. The first round puzzles
and programs
that can be used have been posted. Solutions should be sent through a
special form available at the following address.
The deadline for sending the solution is 10.12. (Saturday) 24:00.
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
4th Open Serbian Optimizing Puzzle Championship
3.12. - 17.12.2011.
This year, again, the
competition will be divided into two rounds:
The first set will be available 03.12. (Saturday) at 12:00 (Belgrade
time, GMT+1). Deadline for sending solutions is 10.12. up to 24:00.
The second set will be available 11.12. (Sunday) at 12:00. Deadline for
sending solutions will be 17.12. up to 24:00.
Day after deadline for set, all received solutions will be available.
Scoring table will be ready within 48h, and next 48h any complains will
be considered - author's decision will be final. After that, final
results will be published and winners declared.
In finding solutions, or parts of the solution, you may not use the
suggestion from any side, including computer programs (a coin flip is
allowed). The programs can be used only to calculate result for your
solution. For some puzzles we will provide that kind of programs
(Delphi for Windows). Lovers of programming are invited to participate
in the subsequent analysis.
So, optimize your schedule in a such way that your free time is
maximized in early December !
Authors: Milovan Kovačević & Jovan Novaković
The Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Vlad Klyachin wins again
third Serbian open Championship in Optimizers is finished. The winner
is Vlad Klyachin from Russia who scored maximum 200 points. The second
and the champion of Serbia became Milovan Kovačević from Serbia. The
third is Tomoaki Tokunaga from Japan.
You can look at the complete results with scores per puzzle, as well as some of the best solutions our competitors came up with.
We thank you all for participation and kind words you sent.
The Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round results
the first round of the Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
there were 42
competitors from 17 countries. After the first round four people share
the leading position: Vlad Klyachin (Russia), Danijel Milošević and
Milovan Kovačević (Serbia) and Tomoaki Tokunaga (Japan) All competitors
scored at
least one point in the first round. Six competitors scored points in
every puzzle.
You can look at the complete results with scores per puzzle, as well as some of the best solutions our competitors came up with.
We are looking forward for some great solutions in the second round as well.
The Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Second round puzzles
first round of Serbian
Open Championship in solving optimizing puzzles was successful. There
were 39 participants from 16 countries. The results will be
posted by the end of the week.
There is no time to rest, because second round puzzles are
already in front of you. Please send your solutions to our email
address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
December 12th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
The Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round puzzles
third Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizing puzzles has started. The first round
have been posted. Please send your solutions to our email address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
December 5th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Third Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
third Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizer puzzles, organized by Serbian Puzzle
Association, will start on Monday, November 29th. The contest will last
two weeks. It consists of two rounds, seven days each.
There will be 12 optimizer problems in total, 6 per round. Each puzzle
has separate scoring system. The contestant (or contestants) with the
best solution receives 25 points, second best solution is worth 21
points, the third 18, the fourth 16, the fifth 14, the sixth 12, the
seventh 11, and so on. Seventeenth-ranked competitor gets 1 point.
In each round, competitor's score will be the sum of his four highest
results. Two lowest scores will not count. In other words, one can
score at most 100 points per round.
Read more
The Fifth Serbian Sudoku Championship
Jakub Ondroušek wins the Third Preliminary Contest
the third preliminary contest there were 20 participants. The winner is
last week's runner up Jakub Ondroušek from Czech republic, followed by
Florian Kirch from Germany and Nikola Živanović from Serbia. You can
look at the complete standings
as well as the answers
our competitors sent.
This was the last competition before Serbian sudoku championship which will take place in Pančevo next Sunday. Hope you all enjoyed the puzzles and had fun solving them!
The Fifth Serbian Sudoku Championship
The Third Preliminary Contest
The third preliminary contest for the Fifth Serbian Sudoku Championship
organized by Serbian Puzzle Association will be held on Sunday, January
24th starting at 12 pm CET (GMT + 1). The puzzle author is Branko
Ćeranić. You can download the instructions
with examples, as well as the document
with actual contest puzzles. All the instructions are given in the
instruction file. The password will be available at the answer page together
with the answering form. The time for solving is two hours. The answers
will be accepted till at most five minutes after the end, with 5 points
penalty for each minute. If you have got any questions, you can ask
them at Nikola Živanović's blog
The Fifth Serbian Sudoku Championship
Taro Arimatsu wins the Second Preliminary Contest
the second preliminary contest there were 34 participants from 13
countries. The winner is Taro Arimatsu from Japan, with one point
advantage over Jakub Ondroušek from Czech republic, and two points
advantage over home favourite Branko Ćeranić. The puzzles were rather
difficult and nobody managed to solve all of them. The four best
solvers solved ten puzzles each. The hardest problem turned out to be
number five (hundred), which was solved only by Bojana Vojnović from
Serbia. You can look at the complete standings
as well as the answers
our competitors sent.
The Fifth Serbian Sudoku Championship
The Second Preliminary Contest
The second preliminary contest for the Fifth Serbian Sudoku
Championship organized by Serbian Puzzle Association willl be held on
Sunday, January 17th starting at 12 pm CET (GMT + 1). The puzzle
authors are Nikola Živanović and Marko Obradović. You can download the instructions
with examples, as well as the document
with actual contest puzzles. In this document there won't be any text,
all the instructions are given in the instruction file. The document has a small correction, if you
had downloaded it on January 14th, please download it again!
The password will be available at the answer
page together with the answering form. The time for solving
is two hours. The answers will be accepted till at most five minutes
after the end, with 5 points penalty for each minute. If you have got
any questions, you can ask them at Nikola Živanović's blog "Logika".
The Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Tanasić wins, Tokunaga second with perfect score
more competitors
joined in the second round to make total of 57 puzzlers from 19
countries. The winner of this year's competition and Serbian champion
became Zoran Tanasić from Belgrade, who made one best and three second
best solutions to edge the closest competition for just two points.
Tomaoki Tokunaga from Japan was brilliant in the second round making
perfect 100 score, but it was not enough for the victory. The third is
Milovan Kovačević from Novi Sad, Serbia with the same number of points
but weaker tiebraker record. Last year's winner Vlad Klyachin from
Moscow, Russia, finished fourth, followed by Čedomir Milanović from
Kikinda, Serbia who also made huge improvement in the second round. All
competitors but one scored at least one point in the competition. Three
competitors scored points in every puzzle in the second round.
Read more
The Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round results
the first round of the
Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers there were 53
competitors from 18 countries. After the first round the leader is
Milovan Kovačević from Novi Sad, Serbia, with four points advantage
over Zoran Tanasić from Belgrade, Serbia. The last year's winner Vlad
Klyachin from Moscow, Russia, currently occupies the third place,
followed by two debutants, Rade Goljović from Baljevac, Serbia and
Stefan Gyürki from Salov, Slovakia. All competitors but one scored at
least one point in the first round. Four competitors scored points in
every puzzle.
Read more
The Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Second round puzzles
first round of Serbian
Open Championship in solving optimizer puzzles was successful. There
were more than 50 participants from 17 countries. The results will be
posted by the end of the week.
We would like to apologize to Estonian puzzlers for mixing up the
colors of their flag in puzzle 5. Who knows, maybe if the flag was
drawn correctly, it would have been possible to get higher scores.
There is no time to rest, because second round puzzles are
already in front of you. Please send your solutions to our email
address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
December 13th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
The Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round puzzles
Second Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizer puzzles has started. The first round puzzles
have been posted. Please send your solutions to our email address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
December 6th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The Second Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
second Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizer puzzles, organized by Serbian Puzzle
Association, will start on Monday, November 30th. The contest will last
two weeks. It consists of two rounds, seven days each.
There will be 12 optimizer problems in total, 6 per round. Each puzzle
has separate scoring system. The contestant (or contestants) with the
best solution receives 25 points, second best solution is worth 21
points, the third 18, the fourth 16, the fifth 14, the sixth 12, the
seventh 11, and so on. Seventeenth-ranked competitor gets 1 point.
In each round, competitor's score will be the sum of his four highest
results. Two lowest scores will not count. In other words, one can
score at most 100 points per round.
Read more
Contest for best innovative puzzle
Dragan Tolomanoski wins the contest
contest for best logic
innovative puzzle organized by Serbian Puzzle Association is finished.
There were 28 puzzles sent by 9 authors. The members of the jury, Zoran
Tanasić, Nikola Živanović and Rohan Rao made their voting and the
winner of the contest became Dragan Tolomanoski form Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina with his puzzle "Fleet in fenced octopus". You can look
at his puzzle,
as well as the complete voting
table of the jury.
The eighteen puzzles that received at leat one point together with two
puzzles by Nikola Živanović will be presented on his blog Logika
within the section "Logički novitetii", one puzzle each week.
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
Contest for Best Logic Innovative Puzzle
Puzzle Association
has announced the contest for best logic innovative puzzle. The
deadline for sending your papers is 1st of September 2009. The winner
will receive 50 euro prize. You can read the full information
about the contest. If you have any questions, you can ask them via
email of our ass ociation contact@puzzleserbia.com
The First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Vlad Klyachin wins the championship, Marko Obradović takes the trophy
Klyachin from Moscow,
Russia, is the winner of the First Serbian Open Championship in
Optimizers. In the second round, he solved six puzzles for a "perfect
ten" and surpassed Marko Obradović from Belgrade, Serbia. Finishing
second, as the best home competitor, Marko Obradović became the
champion of Serbia for the year 2008. Zoran Tanasić from Belgrade,
Serbia, took the third place.
Read more
The First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round results
the first round of the
First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers there were 32 competitors
from 13 countries. After the first round the leader is Marko Obradović
from Belgrade, Serbia, with only two points advantage over Vlad
Klyachin from Moscow, Russia. Behind them with the same number of
points are Goran Vodopija (Zagreb, Croatia), Urmas Raude (Muuga,
Estonia) and Zoran Tanasić (Belgrade, Serbia). All competitors scored
at least one point in the first round. Čedomir Milanović from Kikinda,
Serbia was the only participant who scored points in every puzzle.
Read more
The First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
Second round puzzles
first round of Serbian
Open Championship in solving optimizer puzzles was successful. There
were more than 30 participants from 13 countries. The results will be
posted in a few days. There is no time to rest, because second round puzzles are
already in front of you. Please send your solutions to our email
address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
December 7th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
The First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
First round puzzles
First Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizer puzzles has started. The first round puzzles have
been posted. Please send your solutions to our email address answers@puzzleserbia.com.
We remind you that the deadline for submitting your answers is Sunday,
November 30th, 10 P.M. Central European Time.
Good luck!
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
The First Serbian Open Championship in Optimizers
first Serbian Open
Championship in solving optimizer puzzles, organized by Serbian Puzzle
Association, will start on Monday, November 24th. The contest will last
two weeks. It consists of two rounds, seven days each.
There will be 14 optimizer problems in total, 7 per round. Each puzzle
has separate scoring system. The contestant (or contestants) with the
best solution receives 10 points, second best solution is worth 8
points, the third 6, the fourth 5, and so on. Eighth-ranked competitor
gets 1 point.
In each round, competitor's score will be the sum of his five highest
results. Two lowest scores will not count. In other words, one can
score at most 50 points per round.
Read more
17. World Puzzle Championship in Minsk
Serbia 8. in the world!
Belarusian capital Minsk
was the host of the 17. World Puzzle Championship from October 27th
till November 1st. At this contest of the world best puzzlers Serbia
took the eight place. The best result so far, 16. spot in Borovets in
2006, was overthrown by far.
This success was achived by Serbian team members: Nikola Živanović,
Dragan Tolomanoski, Marko Obradović, Čedomir Milanović and the team
captain Zoran Tanasić. In the individual category among 94 competitors,
Nikola was 21st, Dragan 45th, Marko 46th, and Čedomir 51th. The captain
Zoran Tanasić competed unofficially and his result would have been good
for 72nd place.
Read more
The Fourth Serbian Puzzle Championship
Čedomir Milanović - new champion
champion of Serbia in logic puzzles solving for the year 2008. is
Čedomir Milanović from Kikinda. As a surprise winner, Čedomir took the
title ahead of former champion Dragan Tolomanoski form Sarajevo and
Marko Obradović from Belgrade, who lost the big point advantage he had
after first four sets. Those three puzzlers, together with the author
of the puzzles Nikola Živanović, will be the members of the Serbian
team in the next World Puzzle Championship, that will take place in
Minsk, from October, 27th till November 1st.
Read more
Internet contest TurkZeka
Great success of our competitors
Serbian puzzlers had
outstanding results on very prestigious contest on Turkish internet
site TurkZeka. Zoran Tanasić took fourth, and Čedomir Milanović sixth
place among 214 participants. Our third competitor, Milovan Kovačević
was 26. and had he not skipped four rounds, his result would have also
been in top ten. The first two were Japanese puzzlers Yoichi Enta and
Takanori Fujii, and the third was Meng-Hsuan Wu from Chinese Taipei.
Read more
The Fourth Serbian Puzzle Championship
Belgrade hosts the event
Fourth Serbian Puzzle
Championship will be held on Saturday, September 6th in Belgrade. The
event will take place at Military Veterans Association of Zvezdara,
located in 9a Duško Radović Street, Mirijevo (see the map).
The competition starts at 10 A.M .
The Fourth Serbian Puzzle Championship
Instruction booklet posted
author of the puzzles,
Nikola Živanović, has posted the instruction booklet for the
forthcoming championship. Every puzzle is illustrated with a simple
example. The instruction
booklet is available in Serbian in PDF format. You can ask
author questions about these puzzles on his blog.
The Fourth Serbian Puzzle Championship
Preliminary schedule
previously announced, the
fourth Serbian Puzzle Championship will be held on 6th of September
2008. The place will be soon decided between Belgrade and Novi Sad. The
championship is also qualifying - the best three competitors will
qualify for the next World Puzzle Championship in Minsk. Everybody has
right to participate. The applications should be sent by e-mail
before 20th of August. For members of Serbian Puzzle Association,
participation is free, others will pay the fee of 800 dinars.
Read more
US Puzzle Championship
Our puzzlers did well
14th of June 2008. the
world's most popular puzzle contest, the US Puzzle Championship was
held. Six hundred puzzlers from all over the world took part in it, and
among them ther were ten participants from Serbia. The contest was held
via internet, it lasted two and a half hours, and there were 20 puzzles
to be solved.
Read more
World Puzzle Championship 2009
Turkey hosts next championship
host of World Puzzle
Championship 2009 will be Turkey , it was decided by votes of countries
members of the World Puzzle Federation. Turkey got fifteen votes, while
Serbia, only other candidate, got three. The WPF thanked Serbian Puzzle
Association for participating, and encouraged Serbia to run again for
hosting 2010 event. The Turks will organize the championship in Antalya
or Kapadokya.
24-hours marathon in Budapest
Serbian marathoners made it
Our puzzlers performed
very well at the 9th championship in 24-hour logic puzzles contest that
was held from 7th till 9th of June in Budapest. Nikola Živanović took
the third place, although during more than half of the competition he
was in the lead. Čedomir Milanović was 17th, Milovan Kovačević 19th and
Zoran Tanasić 22nd. The winner of this logic marathon was Michael Ley
from Germany , while second came last year's champion, Hungarian Zoltan
Serbian Puzzle Association announces
Serbian Puzzle Championship on September 6th
fourth Serbian Puzzle
championship will be organised by SErbian Puzzle Association on 6th of
September 2008. This competition will also be the qualification for
this year's World Puzzle Championsip that will take place in Belarus
from 27th of October till 1st of November. Besides Nikola Živanović,
who is going to make the puzzles, three best competitors will earn
their place in Serbian national team. The championship is open for
everyone interested and for the members of Serbian Puzzle Association
the entry is free.
World Puzzle Championship 2009
Serbia submitted application
world sudoku championship in India, an unofficial meeting of World
Puzzle Federation (WPF) leaders with team captains was held, and we
have good news. Serbia became a candidate to organize the World Puzzle
Championship 2009. The voting will be done via internet from 1st till
8th of June. Besides Serbia, other candidates are Belarus and Turkey.
Third World Sudoku Championship (Goa, 14-17th April 2008.)
Serbian sudokists 13th in the world
Serbian sudoku team members came back from India , where they
successfully participated at the third World Sudoku Championship that
was held from April 14th and 17th in Goa. National champion Nikola
Živanović from Sombor came 18th among 89 competitors from 30 countries.
Bojana Vojnović from Belgrade was 39th and improved her result by 73
places, as at the last year's championship she was 112th. Serbian
vice-champion Dragan Tolomanoski from Sarajevo finished 41st, and
Dragan Stojanović from Belgrade 47th. In team category, Serbia finished
13th, which is three spots lower than last year.
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The first scheduled session of SZS was held in Belgrade
Zoran Tanasić - new president
On 24th of February 2008. the first
scheduled session of
Serbian Puzzle Association (SZS) was held in Belgrade. Zoran Tanasić
was elected to be the president of the organization.
Third Serbian Sudoku Chamnpionship
Nikola Živanović wins again
Sunday, 9th of December
2007. the Third Serbian Sudoku Championship was held in Music school
"Mokranjac" in Belgrade. After three sets of problems, of which some
were very difficult, Nikola Živanović from Sombor took the gold medal,
having collected 64 out of maximum 88 points. Dragan Tolomanoski from
Sarajevo came second, while the third came 18-year old Bojana Vojnović
from Belgrade, with the same number of points as Tolomanoski, but with
weaker tiebreaker record.
The fourth member of the Serbian team for WSC 2008 in India is Dragan
Stojanović from Belgrade, and the first reserve is Vesna Jovanović,
also from Belgrade.
The problems were created by eminent Croatian puzzlers Siniša Hrga and
Alfredo Ivankov, and the tournament's official was Zoran Radisavljević.
The MENSA association helped SZS with the organization.
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16. World Puzzle Championship (Rio de Janeiro, 6-11th October 2007)
Good performance of Serbian puzzlers

The most attractive Brazilian city of Rio de
Janeiro was the
host of the 16. World Puzzle Championship. Serbian competitors did
well, even though due to the expensive plane tickets, the team was not
at the full strength. Facing the very tough competition, notable
results achived Nikola Živanović (19th place among 95 competitors) and
Dragan Tolomanoski (33th), while Marko Obradović (83th) and Zoran
Radisavljević (89th), besides their enormous efforts ended the
competition in the bottom part of the list.
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Third Serbian logic puzzle championship
Tolomanoski wins the trophy in style
The third Serbian
championship in logic puzzles was held in Novi Sad on 12th of August.
There participated 14 competitors and the new champion became Dragan
Tolomanoski from Sarajevo, who collected 375 out of possible 480
points. The same score, but with weaker tiebreaker record, had the
"invincible" Nikola Živanović from Sombor. The second surprise was
Marko Obradović from Belgrade, who was in the lead after first set,
performed well in the other sets too, eventually winning the bronze
medal. The fourth member of Serbian team will be Jelena Đurić, who had
only half a point more than Dragan Stojanović.
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8th Tomislav Munišić's memorial was held in Čačak
Victories of Marko Obradović, Sofija Necin and Nikola Živanović
Everyone will remember 8.
Tomislav Munišić's memorial, held on the 30th of June and 1st of July
in Čačak, as beautiful event. Agile organizers, led by Radoje
Damljanović (one of the participants in sudoku championship), made the
enormous efforts to make this event success. They are the big
favourites to organize the event next year, too. The atmosphere was
excellent, the accommodation in “ Morava ” hotel was good, and the
prizes for winners were surprisingly valuable. Beside that, the hosts
prepared sudoku-cake, that had “Svi ste pobednici” (all of you are
winners) written on it. Well done!
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